Monday 2 May 2011

Not so cool... where's the IT in this school?

     Back on prac, in the classroom, and I am a little shocked! My lovely year six class are in a brand-spanking new room nicely decked out, but missing one key feature; there is very little technology available to the teacher or the students.
     The class has no interactive whiteboard, although apparently this is on the way, to be delivered some time in the near future. The teacher has access to one laptop at her desk, but there are not many opportunities within normal class time for students to be engaged with technologies and computers. There are 3 computers in a small room which is shared with the classroom next door that they can use if directed by the teacher. So thats, 3 computers per 60 students. My impression from talking to my teacher is that these are not frequently used, as it is difficult for everyone to have a turn (either they rotate and all miss out on other important lessons, or is it for fast finishers, which is generally always the same small bunch of students).
     This is a little disappointing after discovering the array of fantastic resources I had been informed about rorm my peers a few weeks ago, which I had envisaged myself using on an interactive whiteboard, but never mind – I shall do the best I can!
     However, all is not bleak. I am not quite left with just a pre-historic stone tablet and chisel. The good news is, the students do have a specific computer class, which they do for 40mins each week, that I will be given a chance to observe later in the week. I will report on that when I know more!

Thanks to flickr for image '20070721-01-0080

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