Thursday 19 May 2011

Success! Students burst into Stardom!

    What a lesson! Today gave me such a boost, as I taught a small group of students in my prac class how to create their own podcast. This lesson was an extension on the work they had previously done as part of a unit on Antarctica. They'd learnt about why it is so cold, the effects of the cold and how to combat these. The students had written their own script for a radio program to demonstrate everything they had learnt. I had successfully integrated English, HSIE and science, but decided to go one step further and throw some technology into the mix. After taking a deep breath, and quickly reminding myself how to record the podcast, I arrived in class, armed and ready with my MacBook. 
     Let me tell you - I could not have underestimated the excitement that this lesson would cause any more! Phenomenal! The class haven't had many chances to do this kind of work, and they were thrilled. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, and it being my final day of prac, I could only work with a small group and not the whole class.
     The three girls I worked with thoroughly enjoyed the project, picked up the technicalities of what needed to happen for the recording to take place quickly, and helped each other learn about Garage Band. I got permission from my teacher to upload it onto YouTube (of course with no names or faces shown!) so that the students could have a copy of it, and show it to their friends and family. And it means that you can enjoy it too - check it out below!

     Overall, I was really please with the activity, which I felt was cooperative and constructive, built on their existing IT skills and challenged them. The fact that they had a real audience (the whole wide world is potentially at their fingertips!) who may view it, made the students take it seriously, and they spent some time considering exactly what they wanted in the script before recording. I will definitely used this method of teaching in the future!

Thanks to flickr for images.
 Image: 'Nature Antarctica 14
Image: 'Our precious Earth.

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