Thursday 10 March 2011

Why, hello there!

     Hi, and thanks for reading my blog.
     So what will you be reading about if you follow me? Well, I will attempt to document the trials and tribulations I experience as I begin to travel through the world of learning technologies. And who, exactly, am I?
(Own image)
     I'm Gemma, second year primary education student. I place myself somewhere in the grey zone between being a digital native and a digital immigrant. I have grown up surrounded by technology, and feel reasonably comforatble with most of it, but when I compare my upbringing to the school aged kids of today, there are big differences! My attitude towards technology is usually positive, and I like to try new things, even if I'm not always on the cutting edge of the new and innovative. On occasions though, I will admit to feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by all... But although I am sometimes possessed by the urge to unplug everything, and possibly even put a box over my head until I'm away from it all, technology does have the ability to excite and inspire me at other times. So, here we go, I'll have lots of thoughts and reflections to share with you this semester, and fingers crossed they'll be from the latter category rather than the former.

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